Authored Books and Reports
Minocha, S., Holland, C., McNulty, C., Banks, D. and Palmer, J. (2015) Social isolation and loneliness in people aged 55 and over in Milton Keynes The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Katz, J., Holland, C., Peace, S. and Taylor, E. (2011) edited by Imogen Blood A Better Life – what older people with high support needs value. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. 69 pages (print, pdf and ebook) ISBN 978-1-85935-907-5 (e-book)
Holland, C. Clark, A. Katz, J. and Peace, S. (2007) Social Interactions in Urban Public Places. Bristol: Policy Press 72 pages. ISBN 978-1-86134-997-2
Bytheway, B., Ward, R., Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2007) Too old: older people’s accounts of discrimination, exclusion and rejection. London: Help the Aged. 94 pages. ISBN 1-84598-020-4. 2
Peace, S. Holland, C. and Kellaher, L. (2006) Environment and Identity in Later Life. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 182 pages. ISBN 0-335-21512-2(hb) 0-335-21511-4 (pb)
Edited Books
Henderson, M., Holland, C. and Shucksmith, M. with Rogers, A. (1991) ‘Agricultural Tied Housing in Scotland: a report to rural forum’. Perth: Rural Forum Scotland. 113 pages. ISBN 0-9514934-3-4
Holland, C. (2005) (ed) Recruitment and Sampling: qualitative research with older people. Volume 6 in the Representation of Older People in Ageing Research Series. London: Centre for Policy on Ageing. 84 pages. ISBN 1-901097-95-1
Peace, S. & Holland, C. (2001) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society: innovative approaches. Bristol: Policy Press. 272 pages. ISBN 1-86134-263-2.
Chapters in Books
Holland, C. (2015). 'Values and Ethics in making emerging technologies work for older people'. In: First International Conference, ITAP 2015 - Held as part of HCI International 2015 (Zhou, Jia and Gavriel, Salvendy eds.), 2-7 August 2015, Los Angeles, USA. Springer, pp. 201–209.
Holland, C. (2015). 'Public places and age' In: Twigg, Julia and Martin, Wendy eds. Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 455–462.
Tetley, J., Holland, C., Waights, V., Hughes J., Holland, S. and Warren, S. (2015) 'Exploring New Technologies through Playful Peer-to-Peer Engagement in Informal Learning'. In: Prendergast, David and Garattini, Chiara eds. Aging and the Digital Life Course. Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations. New York/Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 39–62.
Holland, C. and Peace, S. ‘Life Course’. (2012) In: Smith, S.J. (ed.-in-chief) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Elsevier, pp. 163–168. ISBN: 978-0-08-047171-6
Holland, C. (2012) ‘The role of technologies in the everyday lives of older people’ In: Katz, J., Peace, S. and Spurr, S. (eds) Adult Lives: a Life Course Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press, pp.151–160.
Holland, C. and Ward, R. (2012) 'On going grey' in Virpi Ylänne (ed) Representing Ageing Images and Identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp115-131 ISBN 9780230272590
Clark, A., Holland, C. and Ward. R.(2012) ‘Authenticity and validity in community research’ in Goodson, L. and Phillimore, J. Community research for community participation: from theory to method. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN pp.37-55 9781847424365
Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2011) 'Life course' In: Katz, J., Peace, S. and Spurr, S. (eds) Adult Lives: a Life Course Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press, pp.151–160. ISBN 9781447300441
Holland, C. (2010) 'With respect to old age'. In: Seden, Janet; Matthews, Sarah; McCormick, Michael and Morgan, Alun (eds). Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 90–96. ISBN 978-0-415-55335-3
Symonds, A. and Holland, C. (2008) 'The same hairdo: the production of the stereotyped image of the older woman' in Ward, R. & Bytheway, B. (eds) Researching Age and Multiple Discrimination. Number 8 in The Representation of Older People in Ageing Research series. London: Centre for Policy on Ageing. pp.26-44. ISBN 978-1-901097-11-5
Bytheway, B., Ward, R., Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2007) ‘The road to an age inclusive society’ Chapter 8 in M. Bernard & T. Scharf (eds) Critical perspectives on Ageing Societies. Bristol: Policy Press. pp105-121 ISBN 9781861348906
Peace, S., Holland, C. and Kellaher, L. (2006) ‘The Influence of Neighborhood and Community on Well being and Identity in Later Life: An English Perspective’ Chapter 14 in Rowles, G., Chaudhury, H. and Hunter, B (eds) Home and Identity in Later Life: international perspectives. New York: Springer. pp 297-316. 0-8261-2715-0
Holland, C., Kellaher, L., Peace, S., Scharf, T., Breeze, E., Gow, J., and Gilhooly, M. (2005) ‘Getting Out and About’ in A. Walker and C. H. Hennessy (eds) Understanding Quality of Life in Old Age. Growing Older Series. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp49-63. ISBN 0335-21523-8 (pb) 0335-21524-6 (hb)
Kellaher, L. Peace S. & Holland, C. (2004) 'Environment, identity and old age: Quality of life or a life of quality?' in A. Walker and C. H. Hennessy (eds) Growing Older: Quality of life in old age. Growing Older Series. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp 60-80. ISBN 0335-21507-6 (pb) 0335-21508 (hb)
Peace S., Holland, C. & Kellaher, L. (2004) 'Making space for identity' in G. J. Andrews & D. R. Phillips (eds) Ageing and Place: perspectives, policy, practice. Abinbgdon: Routledge. pp 188-204. ISBN 0-415-32044-5
Sheridan, D. & Holland, C. (2003) ‘A day in the life; interpreting first hand accounts from the Mass-Observation Archive’ in B. Bytheway (ed) Everyday Living in Later Life. London; Centre for Policy on Ageing. pp 20-33. ISBN 1-901097-70-6
Holland, C. & Peace, S. (2002) 'Regulating informality: small homes and the inspectors'. In B. Bytheway, V. Bacigalupo, J. Bornat & S. Spurr (eds) Understanding Care, Welfare and community: a reader. Buckingham; OU Press. pp 240-246. ISBN 0-415-25859-6 (hb) 0-415-25860-X (pb).
Holland, C. & Peace, S. (2001) ‘Inclusive Housing’ Chapter 11 in S. Peace & C. Holland (eds) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society: innovative approaches. Bristol; Policy Press. pp. 235-260. ISBN 1-86134-263-2 (pb).
Peace, S. & Holland, C. (2001) ‘Housing an Ageing Society’ Chapter 1 in S. Peace & C. Holland (eds) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society: innovative approaches. Bristol; Policy Press. pp1-26 ISBN 1-86134-263-2 (pb).
Mc Grail, B., Foster, K, Percival, J, Holland, C., & Peace, S. (2001) ‘Integrated segregation? Issues from a range of housing/care environments. Chapter 7 in S. Peace & C. Holland (eds) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society: innovative approaches. Bristol; Policy Press. pp147-168 ISBN 1-86134-263-2
Articles in Refereed Journals
Gage, H., Cheynel, J., Williams, P., Mitchell, K., Stinton, C., Katz, J., Holland, C. and Sheehan, B. (2014). 'Service utilisation and family support of people with dementia: a cohort study in England'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Katz, J., Holland, C. Gage, H., Mitchell, K., Sheehan, B. (2013) ‘Carers’ perspectives on choosing a care home for a relative with dementia’. Families, Relationships and Society 2(2) pp. 211–228.
Katz, J. Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2013) ‘Hearing the voices of people with high support needs’. Journal of Aging Studies, 27(1) pp. 52–60. ISSN 0890-4065
Sheehan, B.D., Lall, R., Stinton, C., Mitchell, K., Gage, H., Holland, C., Katz, J. (2012) Patient and proxy measurement of quality of life among general hospital in-patients with dementia. Aging and Mental Health 16(5): 603-7. Epub 2012 Feb 24. ISSN 1360-7863
Ward, R. and Holland, C. (2011) 'If I look old, I will be treated old': hair and later-life image dilemmas’ Ageing and Society, 31(02), pp. 288–307. ISSN 0144-686X
Peace, S., Holland, C. and Kellaher, L. (2011) 'Option recognition' in later life: variations in ageing in place. Ageing and Society, 31(5), pp. 734–757. ISSN 0144-686X
Holland, C. and Katz, J S. (2010) 'Cultural identity and belonging in later life: Is extra care housing an attractive concept to older Jewish people living in Britain?' Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 25(1), pp. 59-69. ISSN 0169-3816
Clark, A; Holland, C; Peace, S and Katz, J (2009) 'Learning to see: Lessons from a participatory research project in public spaces'. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 12: 4, pp345 -360. ISSN 1364-5579
Peace, S. & Holland, C. (2001) ‘Homely Residential Care: A Contradiction in Terms?’ Journal of Social Policy. Vol 30: 3 (July) pp 393-410. ISSN 0047-2794
Conference Papers
Holland, C. (2015) 'Values and Ethics in Making Emerging Technologies Work for Older People’ Invited presentation to symposium Design and development for and with elderly, HCI International (2015) Los Angeles, 5th August.
Holland, C. (2014) ‘Digital urbanisation and the dignity of older citizens’ International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) 2014 15-18 May - Chiba, Japan
Holland, C. (2014) ‘ICT and 21st Century Ageing’ 8th International Conference on Cultural Gerontology, 10-12 April 2014: NUI Galway
Holland, C. (2013) ‘Empirical Research with Older People’. Invited keynote The Open University (MCT Faculty) Day Seminar Conducting Empirical Research with Older People. 11/04/13. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Katz, J., and Holland, C. (2012) ‘Understanding informal care givers’ decision-making in choosing a care home for a person with dementia in hospital’. The Second ISA Forum of Sociology: International Sociological Association, Buenos Aires, 1-4 August 2012. Abstract no. RC11-214.4
Katz,J., Holland, C., and Peace, S. (2012) ‘Exploring the goals of older people with high support needs in the UK: Does their consumption match their aspirations?’ The Second ISA Forum of Sociology: International Sociological Association, Buenos Aires, 1-4 August 2012. Abstract no. RC11-214.2
Holland, C. (2012) 'Age Inclusive Services: what do older people want, and how do we know?' International Federation on Ageing 11th Global Conference on Ageing. Prague
Holland, C., Katz, J. (2012) 'Research Briefing: What happens to people with dementia identified in general hospital?' Rethinking ‘dementia’: Multi-disciplinary approaches to understanding dementia in everyday life. MICRA/Manchester University.
Holland, C. (2011) ‘Thinking about Home: Place, Time, and Biography’ Theorising age: challenging the disciplines: The 7th International Symposium on Cultural Gerontology and Inaugural Conference of the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS) Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Katz, J., Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2011) ‘Validating aspirations of older people with high support needs: methodological issues’. British Society of Gerontology annual conference, 5-7 July 2011, Plymouth. Book of Abstracts ref 1416.
Holland, C. Katz, J. Mitchell, K. , Thein, N. (2011) ‘A mixed method investigation of people with dementia in transition from general hospital to care homes’. 5-7 July. British Society of Gerontology annual conference, 5-7 July 2011, Plymouth. Book of Abstracts ref 1417.
Tetley, J., Holland, C., Nederland, T., van den Toorn, J., Reichert, M., Lis, K., Mason, A., Kokol, P., Blazun, H., Hughes, J., Waights, V., and Holland, S. (2010) ‘Older people & technological innovations-lifelong, learning and applications for health and wellbeing’. Fourth European Nursing Congress Older Persons: the Future of Care. 4 - 7 Oct 2010, Rotterdam. (Poster)
Holland, C., Katz. J. and Mitchell, K. (2010) ‘Reflections of family carers of people with dementia recently admitted to a care home’. 39th British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, 6-8 July 2010, Brunel University, Uxbridge.
Tetley, J., Holland, C., Hughes, J., Waights, V. and Holland, S. (2010) ‘Older people and technological innovations: lifelong learning and applications for health and wellbeing’. 39th British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, 6-8 July 2010, Brunel University, Uxbridge.
Tetley, J., Hughes, J., Holland, C. and Waights, V. (2009) Older people and technological innovations. British Society of Gerontology 38th Annual Conference - Culture Diversity and Ageing, 2-4 Sep- 2009, Bristol, UK.
Peace, S., Holland, C. and Kellaher, L.(2009) ‘Option Recognition in Later Life: variations in ageing in place’ 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, 5-9 July.
Holland, C. and Ward, R. (2009) ‘Hair in Later Life: Body Image, Identity, and Age Discrimination’ 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, 5-9 July.
Holland, C. (2008) ‘Participatory Research with Older People’ The Fourth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Holland, C., and Ward, R. (2008) ‘In the hairdresser’s chair: negotiating an appropriate image in later life’. Sociolinguistics Symposium 17: micro and macro connections, 3-5 Apr 2008, Amsterdam.
Peace, S. Katz, J. Holland, C. and Clark, A. (2007) ‘Spaces for All’ as part of Rethink! New perspectives on public spaces Joseph Rowntree Foundation ministerial launch of Public Spaces programme findings.
Bytheway, B. and Holland, C. (2007) ‘Everyday Age Discrimination’ British Society of Gerontology, Sheffield Hallam University, 7th September
Holland, S. & Holland, C. (2005) ‘The simplification of complex interactions for more inclusive social communication technologies’. Position paper. HCI and the Older Population, British HCI Forum, Edinburgh.
Clark, A., Peace S, Holland C and Katz J. (2005) ‘Social (In)activity in Middle England’. Annals of American Geographers, Denver (Colorado).
Clark, A., Peace S, Holland C and Katz J. (2005) ‘Intergenerational Relationships Around Town: Aylesbury in Winter and Spring’. British Society of Gerontology 34th Annual Scientific Meeting, University of Keele.
Holland, C. & Holland, S. (2004) 'Smart Homes and Extended Families'. Position paper. HCI and the Older Population, British HCI Forum, Leeds.
Peace, S., Holland, C. and Kellaher, L. (2003) ‘From Research to Practice to Policy: from ‘Environment and Identity’ to ‘Senior Housing Charter’.’ Social Policy Association Annual Conference – What Works? Evidence, Research and Inference in Social Policy. University of Teeside, July15-17.
Peace, S., Kellaher, L. and Holland, C. (2002) ‘Making space for identity’ 31st annual conference of the British Society of Gerontology, Birmingham 12-14 September.
Holland, C. Peace, S. and Kellaher, L. (2002) ‘Environment and identity in later life: A cross-setting study’ British Psychological Society Annual conference, Blackpool,13–16 March
Holland. C. and Peace, S. (2001) ‘Inclusive housing in an ageing society’. British Society of Gerontology 30th annual conference, Stirling. 31 Aug-2 Sept:
Holland, C. (2001) ‘Housing Histories’ International Association of Gerontology: 17th World Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Vancouver, July 2001. (Poster)
Peace, S. and Holland. C. (2000) ‘Mapping environmental well-being for older people: one aspect of quality of life’. 53rd annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America. 17-21 November
Peace, S., Kellaher, L. and Holland, C. (2000) ‘Understanding environmental well-being in later life’ 29th annual conference of the British Society of Gerontology, Oxford. 8-10 September
Peace, S. and Holland. C. (1999) ‘Whose Home? Whose family? Living in a small residential home’ International Association of Gerontology 4th European Congress of Gerontology, Berlin. July 7-11.
Peace, S. and Holland, C. (1999) ‘The Role of Place in Care Relationships’ IVth European Congress of Gerontology, Berlin 7-11 July.
Holland, C. and Peace, S. (1998) ‘My Home, Your Home: Residential Homes In Domestic Houses’ EBSSRS Symposium, Helsinki, June 14-16.
Holland. C. and Peace, S. (1998) ‘Small Residential Homes: family care or mini institution?’ 51sth annual scientific meeting of Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia. 20-24 November.
Holland, C. (1996) ‘A life course perspective on adaptive strategies in later life’ 49th annual scientific meeting of Gerontological Society of America, Washington. 17-21 November.
Holland. C. (1996) ‘A room of one’s own?’ Annual Conference British Society of Gerontology, Liverpool. September
Peace, S. and Holland, C. (1994) ‘Gender, ageing and our understanding of home; a review of underlying influences’ Gender and Ageing Conference, University of Surrey. July
Peer reviewed publications in press
Tetley, J., Holland, C., Waights, V., Holland, S., Hughes, J., and Warren, S. (accepted for publication in 2014) ‘Exploring new technologies through peer-to-peer and intergenerational engagement in informal learning’ in Prendergast, D. and Garattini, C. (eds) Ageing and the Digital Lifecourse. Berghan Books.
Holland, C (accepted for publication in 2014) ‘Public Places’ in Twigg, J. and Martin, W (eds) Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. London:Routledge
Other publications
Holland. C. (2009) The Future of Age Concern MK. Report of a survey commissioned by Age Concern, Milton Keynes. HSC Occasional Paper.
Waights, V., Reveley, S. and Holland, C. (2009) Knowing long-term conditions. Final project report. CETL/PBPL paper 62.
Holland, C., Waights, V, Sparrow, S. and Cavaye, J. (2007) ‘Thinking about Age Discrimination in Nursing Education and Practice’. CETL/PBPL Paper 26. The Open University.
Katz, J. and Holland, C. (2006) A Report on Future Housing with Care Options for Older People in the Jewish Community in London and Parts of the South-East of England. A report to Abbeyfield (Camden) Jewish Society; Jewish Care; Jewish Community Housing Association; Nightingale.
Holland, C. (2003) 1-2-1: An Evaluation of the Milton Keynes 1-2-1 Peer Advocacy Project. Open University: SHSW Occasional Paper, March 2003. Commissioned by People First Milton Keynes.
Minocha, S., Holland, C., McNulty, C., Banks, D. and Palmer, J. (2015) Social isolation and loneliness in people aged 55 and over in Milton Keynes The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Katz, J., Holland, C., Peace, S. and Taylor, E. (2011) edited by Imogen Blood A Better Life – what older people with high support needs value. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. 69 pages (print, pdf and ebook) ISBN 978-1-85935-907-5 (e-book)
Holland, C. Clark, A. Katz, J. and Peace, S. (2007) Social Interactions in Urban Public Places. Bristol: Policy Press 72 pages. ISBN 978-1-86134-997-2
Bytheway, B., Ward, R., Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2007) Too old: older people’s accounts of discrimination, exclusion and rejection. London: Help the Aged. 94 pages. ISBN 1-84598-020-4. 2
Peace, S. Holland, C. and Kellaher, L. (2006) Environment and Identity in Later Life. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 182 pages. ISBN 0-335-21512-2(hb) 0-335-21511-4 (pb)
Edited Books
Henderson, M., Holland, C. and Shucksmith, M. with Rogers, A. (1991) ‘Agricultural Tied Housing in Scotland: a report to rural forum’. Perth: Rural Forum Scotland. 113 pages. ISBN 0-9514934-3-4
Holland, C. (2005) (ed) Recruitment and Sampling: qualitative research with older people. Volume 6 in the Representation of Older People in Ageing Research Series. London: Centre for Policy on Ageing. 84 pages. ISBN 1-901097-95-1
Peace, S. & Holland, C. (2001) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society: innovative approaches. Bristol: Policy Press. 272 pages. ISBN 1-86134-263-2.
Chapters in Books
Holland, C. (2015). 'Values and Ethics in making emerging technologies work for older people'. In: First International Conference, ITAP 2015 - Held as part of HCI International 2015 (Zhou, Jia and Gavriel, Salvendy eds.), 2-7 August 2015, Los Angeles, USA. Springer, pp. 201–209.
Holland, C. (2015). 'Public places and age' In: Twigg, Julia and Martin, Wendy eds. Routledge Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 455–462.
Tetley, J., Holland, C., Waights, V., Hughes J., Holland, S. and Warren, S. (2015) 'Exploring New Technologies through Playful Peer-to-Peer Engagement in Informal Learning'. In: Prendergast, David and Garattini, Chiara eds. Aging and the Digital Life Course. Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations. New York/Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 39–62.
Holland, C. and Peace, S. ‘Life Course’. (2012) In: Smith, S.J. (ed.-in-chief) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Elsevier, pp. 163–168. ISBN: 978-0-08-047171-6
Holland, C. (2012) ‘The role of technologies in the everyday lives of older people’ In: Katz, J., Peace, S. and Spurr, S. (eds) Adult Lives: a Life Course Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press, pp.151–160.
Holland, C. and Ward, R. (2012) 'On going grey' in Virpi Ylänne (ed) Representing Ageing Images and Identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp115-131 ISBN 9780230272590
Clark, A., Holland, C. and Ward. R.(2012) ‘Authenticity and validity in community research’ in Goodson, L. and Phillimore, J. Community research for community participation: from theory to method. Bristol: Policy Press. ISBN pp.37-55 9781847424365
Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2011) 'Life course' In: Katz, J., Peace, S. and Spurr, S. (eds) Adult Lives: a Life Course Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press, pp.151–160. ISBN 9781447300441
Holland, C. (2010) 'With respect to old age'. In: Seden, Janet; Matthews, Sarah; McCormick, Michael and Morgan, Alun (eds). Professional Development in Social Work: Complex Issues in Practice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 90–96. ISBN 978-0-415-55335-3
Symonds, A. and Holland, C. (2008) 'The same hairdo: the production of the stereotyped image of the older woman' in Ward, R. & Bytheway, B. (eds) Researching Age and Multiple Discrimination. Number 8 in The Representation of Older People in Ageing Research series. London: Centre for Policy on Ageing. pp.26-44. ISBN 978-1-901097-11-5
Bytheway, B., Ward, R., Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2007) ‘The road to an age inclusive society’ Chapter 8 in M. Bernard & T. Scharf (eds) Critical perspectives on Ageing Societies. Bristol: Policy Press. pp105-121 ISBN 9781861348906
Peace, S., Holland, C. and Kellaher, L. (2006) ‘The Influence of Neighborhood and Community on Well being and Identity in Later Life: An English Perspective’ Chapter 14 in Rowles, G., Chaudhury, H. and Hunter, B (eds) Home and Identity in Later Life: international perspectives. New York: Springer. pp 297-316. 0-8261-2715-0
Holland, C., Kellaher, L., Peace, S., Scharf, T., Breeze, E., Gow, J., and Gilhooly, M. (2005) ‘Getting Out and About’ in A. Walker and C. H. Hennessy (eds) Understanding Quality of Life in Old Age. Growing Older Series. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp49-63. ISBN 0335-21523-8 (pb) 0335-21524-6 (hb)
Kellaher, L. Peace S. & Holland, C. (2004) 'Environment, identity and old age: Quality of life or a life of quality?' in A. Walker and C. H. Hennessy (eds) Growing Older: Quality of life in old age. Growing Older Series. Maidenhead: Open University Press. pp 60-80. ISBN 0335-21507-6 (pb) 0335-21508 (hb)
Peace S., Holland, C. & Kellaher, L. (2004) 'Making space for identity' in G. J. Andrews & D. R. Phillips (eds) Ageing and Place: perspectives, policy, practice. Abinbgdon: Routledge. pp 188-204. ISBN 0-415-32044-5
Sheridan, D. & Holland, C. (2003) ‘A day in the life; interpreting first hand accounts from the Mass-Observation Archive’ in B. Bytheway (ed) Everyday Living in Later Life. London; Centre for Policy on Ageing. pp 20-33. ISBN 1-901097-70-6
Holland, C. & Peace, S. (2002) 'Regulating informality: small homes and the inspectors'. In B. Bytheway, V. Bacigalupo, J. Bornat & S. Spurr (eds) Understanding Care, Welfare and community: a reader. Buckingham; OU Press. pp 240-246. ISBN 0-415-25859-6 (hb) 0-415-25860-X (pb).
Holland, C. & Peace, S. (2001) ‘Inclusive Housing’ Chapter 11 in S. Peace & C. Holland (eds) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society: innovative approaches. Bristol; Policy Press. pp. 235-260. ISBN 1-86134-263-2 (pb).
Peace, S. & Holland, C. (2001) ‘Housing an Ageing Society’ Chapter 1 in S. Peace & C. Holland (eds) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society: innovative approaches. Bristol; Policy Press. pp1-26 ISBN 1-86134-263-2 (pb).
Mc Grail, B., Foster, K, Percival, J, Holland, C., & Peace, S. (2001) ‘Integrated segregation? Issues from a range of housing/care environments. Chapter 7 in S. Peace & C. Holland (eds) Inclusive Housing in an Ageing Society: innovative approaches. Bristol; Policy Press. pp147-168 ISBN 1-86134-263-2
Articles in Refereed Journals
Gage, H., Cheynel, J., Williams, P., Mitchell, K., Stinton, C., Katz, J., Holland, C. and Sheehan, B. (2014). 'Service utilisation and family support of people with dementia: a cohort study in England'. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Katz, J., Holland, C. Gage, H., Mitchell, K., Sheehan, B. (2013) ‘Carers’ perspectives on choosing a care home for a relative with dementia’. Families, Relationships and Society 2(2) pp. 211–228.
Katz, J. Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2013) ‘Hearing the voices of people with high support needs’. Journal of Aging Studies, 27(1) pp. 52–60. ISSN 0890-4065
Sheehan, B.D., Lall, R., Stinton, C., Mitchell, K., Gage, H., Holland, C., Katz, J. (2012) Patient and proxy measurement of quality of life among general hospital in-patients with dementia. Aging and Mental Health 16(5): 603-7. Epub 2012 Feb 24. ISSN 1360-7863
Ward, R. and Holland, C. (2011) 'If I look old, I will be treated old': hair and later-life image dilemmas’ Ageing and Society, 31(02), pp. 288–307. ISSN 0144-686X
Peace, S., Holland, C. and Kellaher, L. (2011) 'Option recognition' in later life: variations in ageing in place. Ageing and Society, 31(5), pp. 734–757. ISSN 0144-686X
Holland, C. and Katz, J S. (2010) 'Cultural identity and belonging in later life: Is extra care housing an attractive concept to older Jewish people living in Britain?' Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 25(1), pp. 59-69. ISSN 0169-3816
Clark, A; Holland, C; Peace, S and Katz, J (2009) 'Learning to see: Lessons from a participatory research project in public spaces'. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 12: 4, pp345 -360. ISSN 1364-5579
Peace, S. & Holland, C. (2001) ‘Homely Residential Care: A Contradiction in Terms?’ Journal of Social Policy. Vol 30: 3 (July) pp 393-410. ISSN 0047-2794
Conference Papers
Holland, C. (2015) 'Values and Ethics in Making Emerging Technologies Work for Older People’ Invited presentation to symposium Design and development for and with elderly, HCI International (2015) Los Angeles, 5th August.
Holland, C. (2014) ‘Digital urbanisation and the dignity of older citizens’ International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) 2014 15-18 May - Chiba, Japan
Holland, C. (2014) ‘ICT and 21st Century Ageing’ 8th International Conference on Cultural Gerontology, 10-12 April 2014: NUI Galway
Holland, C. (2013) ‘Empirical Research with Older People’. Invited keynote The Open University (MCT Faculty) Day Seminar Conducting Empirical Research with Older People. 11/04/13. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Katz, J., and Holland, C. (2012) ‘Understanding informal care givers’ decision-making in choosing a care home for a person with dementia in hospital’. The Second ISA Forum of Sociology: International Sociological Association, Buenos Aires, 1-4 August 2012. Abstract no. RC11-214.4
Katz,J., Holland, C., and Peace, S. (2012) ‘Exploring the goals of older people with high support needs in the UK: Does their consumption match their aspirations?’ The Second ISA Forum of Sociology: International Sociological Association, Buenos Aires, 1-4 August 2012. Abstract no. RC11-214.2
Holland, C. (2012) 'Age Inclusive Services: what do older people want, and how do we know?' International Federation on Ageing 11th Global Conference on Ageing. Prague
Holland, C., Katz, J. (2012) 'Research Briefing: What happens to people with dementia identified in general hospital?' Rethinking ‘dementia’: Multi-disciplinary approaches to understanding dementia in everyday life. MICRA/Manchester University.
Holland, C. (2011) ‘Thinking about Home: Place, Time, and Biography’ Theorising age: challenging the disciplines: The 7th International Symposium on Cultural Gerontology and Inaugural Conference of the European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS) Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Katz, J., Holland, C. and Peace, S. (2011) ‘Validating aspirations of older people with high support needs: methodological issues’. British Society of Gerontology annual conference, 5-7 July 2011, Plymouth. Book of Abstracts ref 1416.
Holland, C. Katz, J. Mitchell, K. , Thein, N. (2011) ‘A mixed method investigation of people with dementia in transition from general hospital to care homes’. 5-7 July. British Society of Gerontology annual conference, 5-7 July 2011, Plymouth. Book of Abstracts ref 1417.
Tetley, J., Holland, C., Nederland, T., van den Toorn, J., Reichert, M., Lis, K., Mason, A., Kokol, P., Blazun, H., Hughes, J., Waights, V., and Holland, S. (2010) ‘Older people & technological innovations-lifelong, learning and applications for health and wellbeing’. Fourth European Nursing Congress Older Persons: the Future of Care. 4 - 7 Oct 2010, Rotterdam. (Poster)
Holland, C., Katz. J. and Mitchell, K. (2010) ‘Reflections of family carers of people with dementia recently admitted to a care home’. 39th British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, 6-8 July 2010, Brunel University, Uxbridge.
Tetley, J., Holland, C., Hughes, J., Waights, V. and Holland, S. (2010) ‘Older people and technological innovations: lifelong learning and applications for health and wellbeing’. 39th British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference, 6-8 July 2010, Brunel University, Uxbridge.
Tetley, J., Hughes, J., Holland, C. and Waights, V. (2009) Older people and technological innovations. British Society of Gerontology 38th Annual Conference - Culture Diversity and Ageing, 2-4 Sep- 2009, Bristol, UK.
Peace, S., Holland, C. and Kellaher, L.(2009) ‘Option Recognition in Later Life: variations in ageing in place’ 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, 5-9 July.
Holland, C. and Ward, R. (2009) ‘Hair in Later Life: Body Image, Identity, and Age Discrimination’ 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, 5-9 July.
Holland, C. (2008) ‘Participatory Research with Older People’ The Fourth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Holland, C., and Ward, R. (2008) ‘In the hairdresser’s chair: negotiating an appropriate image in later life’. Sociolinguistics Symposium 17: micro and macro connections, 3-5 Apr 2008, Amsterdam.
Peace, S. Katz, J. Holland, C. and Clark, A. (2007) ‘Spaces for All’ as part of Rethink! New perspectives on public spaces Joseph Rowntree Foundation ministerial launch of Public Spaces programme findings.
Bytheway, B. and Holland, C. (2007) ‘Everyday Age Discrimination’ British Society of Gerontology, Sheffield Hallam University, 7th September
Holland, S. & Holland, C. (2005) ‘The simplification of complex interactions for more inclusive social communication technologies’. Position paper. HCI and the Older Population, British HCI Forum, Edinburgh.
Clark, A., Peace S, Holland C and Katz J. (2005) ‘Social (In)activity in Middle England’. Annals of American Geographers, Denver (Colorado).
Clark, A., Peace S, Holland C and Katz J. (2005) ‘Intergenerational Relationships Around Town: Aylesbury in Winter and Spring’. British Society of Gerontology 34th Annual Scientific Meeting, University of Keele.
Holland, C. & Holland, S. (2004) 'Smart Homes and Extended Families'. Position paper. HCI and the Older Population, British HCI Forum, Leeds.
Peace, S., Holland, C. and Kellaher, L. (2003) ‘From Research to Practice to Policy: from ‘Environment and Identity’ to ‘Senior Housing Charter’.’ Social Policy Association Annual Conference – What Works? Evidence, Research and Inference in Social Policy. University of Teeside, July15-17.
Peace, S., Kellaher, L. and Holland, C. (2002) ‘Making space for identity’ 31st annual conference of the British Society of Gerontology, Birmingham 12-14 September.
Holland, C. Peace, S. and Kellaher, L. (2002) ‘Environment and identity in later life: A cross-setting study’ British Psychological Society Annual conference, Blackpool,13–16 March
Holland. C. and Peace, S. (2001) ‘Inclusive housing in an ageing society’. British Society of Gerontology 30th annual conference, Stirling. 31 Aug-2 Sept:
Holland, C. (2001) ‘Housing Histories’ International Association of Gerontology: 17th World Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Vancouver, July 2001. (Poster)
Peace, S. and Holland. C. (2000) ‘Mapping environmental well-being for older people: one aspect of quality of life’. 53rd annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America. 17-21 November
Peace, S., Kellaher, L. and Holland, C. (2000) ‘Understanding environmental well-being in later life’ 29th annual conference of the British Society of Gerontology, Oxford. 8-10 September
Peace, S. and Holland. C. (1999) ‘Whose Home? Whose family? Living in a small residential home’ International Association of Gerontology 4th European Congress of Gerontology, Berlin. July 7-11.
Peace, S. and Holland, C. (1999) ‘The Role of Place in Care Relationships’ IVth European Congress of Gerontology, Berlin 7-11 July.
Holland, C. and Peace, S. (1998) ‘My Home, Your Home: Residential Homes In Domestic Houses’ EBSSRS Symposium, Helsinki, June 14-16.
Holland. C. and Peace, S. (1998) ‘Small Residential Homes: family care or mini institution?’ 51sth annual scientific meeting of Gerontological Society of America, Philadelphia. 20-24 November.
Holland, C. (1996) ‘A life course perspective on adaptive strategies in later life’ 49th annual scientific meeting of Gerontological Society of America, Washington. 17-21 November.
Holland. C. (1996) ‘A room of one’s own?’ Annual Conference British Society of Gerontology, Liverpool. September
Peace, S. and Holland, C. (1994) ‘Gender, ageing and our understanding of home; a review of underlying influences’ Gender and Ageing Conference, University of Surrey. July
Peer reviewed publications in press
Tetley, J., Holland, C., Waights, V., Holland, S., Hughes, J., and Warren, S. (accepted for publication in 2014) ‘Exploring new technologies through peer-to-peer and intergenerational engagement in informal learning’ in Prendergast, D. and Garattini, C. (eds) Ageing and the Digital Lifecourse. Berghan Books.
Holland, C (accepted for publication in 2014) ‘Public Places’ in Twigg, J. and Martin, W (eds) Handbook of Cultural Gerontology. London:Routledge
Other publications
Holland. C. (2009) The Future of Age Concern MK. Report of a survey commissioned by Age Concern, Milton Keynes. HSC Occasional Paper.
Waights, V., Reveley, S. and Holland, C. (2009) Knowing long-term conditions. Final project report. CETL/PBPL paper 62.
Holland, C., Waights, V, Sparrow, S. and Cavaye, J. (2007) ‘Thinking about Age Discrimination in Nursing Education and Practice’. CETL/PBPL Paper 26. The Open University.
Katz, J. and Holland, C. (2006) A Report on Future Housing with Care Options for Older People in the Jewish Community in London and Parts of the South-East of England. A report to Abbeyfield (Camden) Jewish Society; Jewish Care; Jewish Community Housing Association; Nightingale.
Holland, C. (2003) 1-2-1: An Evaluation of the Milton Keynes 1-2-1 Peer Advocacy Project. Open University: SHSW Occasional Paper, March 2003. Commissioned by People First Milton Keynes.